Parents and faculty cheered on 34 Dwight D. Eisenhower students as they were inducted into the National Honor Society recently.
Eighteen fourth and fifth graders served as the inaugural induction class to the National Elementary Honor Society (NEHS), and 16 sixth through eighth graders for the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS).
“Congratulations all scholars for being inducted into this prestigious society,” DE’s NHES Advisor Fay Hayes said. “We are proud to stand on the pillars of character, scholarship, leadership, and service. Each of you were chosen because you demonstrate these qualities.”
Membership to NHES is based on those four pillars, and students must have a cumulative GPA minimum of 85, B, 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, or equivalent standard of excellence. Membership to NJHS includes the same GPA requirement, those four pillars and adds “Citizenship.”
“Citizenship is an obligation each member of our society faces,” Karen Fairman told students. “It’s a responsibility we each have four community and our country.”
DE Principal Dr. Rulonda Green said this was also a day to celebrate parents.
“You are their first teacher,” she said. “We are here to reinforce what you started.”
To the students, she said, “What you are doing is monumentous. It’s cool to be smart. It’s cool to be celebrated and recognized for your hard work.”