Join us at our Annual NOLALove Turkey and Ham Drive-Thru Giveaway!
Get your family ready for the Thanksgiving holidays and join InspireNOLA Charter Schools at its annual drive-through turkey and ham giveaways as part of its NOLALove initiative.
Local politicians and community leaders will join InspireNOLA students and volunteers in distributing nearly 1,000 turkeys and hams, along with a perishable food package, while supplies last, on both the Westbank and Eastbank this year. The giveaways will take place Tuesday, November 21, 2023 at Alice M. Harte Charter School (5300 Berkley Drive New Orleans, Louisiana 70131) beginning at 9:30 a.m., and at Mahalia Jackson Theater (1419 Basin St. New Orleans, Louisiana 70116) beginning at 3 p.m. Both giveaways are free and open to the public.